Kits 1,2,3
Steam Traction World kits are only available as three options, which one is best for you?
1. Fast Track.
This speeds up ‘normal’ monthly build process to supplying everything over a timescale of anything from a month to 12 months (stock dependant). Option 1 adds a premium of 10% on to total price.
2. Monthly Build.
This is the more normal way we do things. Kits are priced the same throughout and supplied at the rate of one per month for the period of the build (on the 2″ Burrell this is 27 months). Option 2 is the standard monthly advertised price.
3. Extended Build.
A smaller monthly payment is paid each month with kits supplied every two months/payments. This extends the term to twice as long as standard but offers more flexibility as over payments can be made to reduce this. Option 3 adds 5% on to price spread over the total term.
Our builds are designed to fit around your lifestyle and budget – the hardest part is choosing which engine to build! Call us TODAY.