Great Dorset Steam Fair 2021 – Virtually

What the f**k is Virtually Dorset?

Great Dorset Steam Fair 2021
That’s what a lot of people are currently asking and my first thought is. A bit rude.
Then I think a little more and perhaps further explanation is required.

Sadly with the Great Dorset Steam Fair postponed till next year because of ‘you know what,’ we thought we couldn’t let this amazing weekend go without a whisp of steam, a toot on a whistle on the stroke of midnight, the smell of fresh coal, the taste of warm beer and some jolly good fun!

We invite you all too. The more you get involved the better your bank holiday weekend will be. We invite you. We encourage you. Quite frankly we beg you. Not just because I’m giving up a stay in a static caravan in Mablethorpe, this weekend. Well, yes, mostly for that. Moreso, it’s a weekend that we CAN all get together, whilst being apart.

We will be on our Facebook page with a series of events virtually recreating the whole show atmosphere.
Steam Engines • Craft Stalls • Beer Fridge • The Red Arrows • Big Wheel • Classic Cars • Stunt Displays • Live Music & Entertainment and so much more – most of which we either haven’t thought of or adequately prepared for yet. It’s going to be awful, sorry er… AWESOME!

It’ll be great whatever the weather because it’s at yours! Join the fun, in what promises to be, a rather odd, amusing and fabulous online steam fair.

Get the tent pitched in your garden, the bacon sizzling, logged onto our Facebook page and your beer googles on – we are steaming ahead. It’s Virtually Dorset!

The Great Dorset Steam Fair – isn’t just about steam either and neither is our virtual one. Everyone likes different things, has varying hobbies and interests. Dean likes pool and saying (slightly) silly things on forums*, Will likes his Steam Rollers, Bob likes red, tight leather bondage gear – and we don’t mind that Bob, we just think the tassles are a bit dangerous near the CNC machines**…. and we know you all have your interests too. So we want you to share your interests with us over the weekend. Feel free to write, film, photograph and share stuff with us.

I for one will be there. I will happily sound my whistle at Midnight – especially because I don’t get on with the neighbours!

It’s Virtually Dorset! We must be mad to think of it – but you’d be mad to miss out!

*That’s a joke
** That’s a joke too. Just in case Health and Safety are reading. Which is why, we insist, all our CNC operators work in the nude.***
*** That’s a joke too.